Wolfadoodle: A Comprehensive Guide

The wolfadoodle is gaining popularity in North America because of its sweet temperament, always eager to please, and kind and intelligent nature.

I am a dog breeder and have been doing research in the dog field for more than a decade and in this blog I will give you comprehensive knowledge regarding Irish wolfhound poodle mix

In this post I will discuss what a wolfadoodle is, its origin and its physical characteristics such as appearance, coat color.

I will also discuss Irish wolfadoodle temperament, dietary needs, physical and mental stimulation requirements, and their grooming needs.

What Is An Irish Wolfadoodle?

Irish wolfadoodle or irish wolfhound doodle is a hybrid dog crossed between the royal irish wolfhound and standard poodle.

They are also known by name woodle truly and are large, loving dogs that carry themselves with dignity and are very calm.

Wolfadoodle are not too popular hybrid dogs out there but they are gaining popularity nowadays quite fast.

Physical Characteristics of wolfhound poodle mix

Wolfadoodle’s hair are very floppy and are an adorable dog breed and in this section I will discuss the physical characteristics of wolfhound poodle mix in detail.

I will discuss the appearance of wolfadoodle, their coat colors and patterns, eye and nose shape and color and also average size and weight. 

Appearance of The Wolfadoodle 

Irish wolfadoodle are tall and have long bodies. Their legs are long and also have a long tail which is slightly curved in the end.

Their overall appearance is sturdy and lean. They have broad chest and face and a narrow body which is sturdy.

They have an athletic body and their muzzles are quite large which give resemblance to a wolf. 

Irish Wolfadoodle: Coat color and Patterns

Irish wolfhound poodle mixes have single coats which are dense and fluffy. The coat length is medium in size.

Hairs are wavy to curly and very thick, making them shaggy and are rough to touch and are prone to matting.

Wolfadoodle comes in a variety of coat colors such as silver, white, gray, red, black brindle and cream.

They are available in patterns such as bi-color, tri color and piebald patern.

Eyes and Nose of Wolfadoodle

Eyes of wolfhound cross poodle are almond shaped and generally offer 3 iris colors : brown, amber and pumpkin color.

Nose of an Irish wolfadoodle is medium sized and is black in color and the ears are large and fluffy. 

Size and Weight of wolfhound cross poodle

Wolf poodle mix is a medium to large size dog breed with long legs and body.

The average shoulder size of a male and female wolfadoodle is 16-33 inches (40-84 centimetres).

The average weight of male wolfhound poodle mix is 70-120 pounds ( 32-55 kilograms) and females are 70-105 pounds (32-48 kilograms).

History of Irish Wolfhound Poodle Mix

Irish wolfhound poodle mix origins are not known but it is a new hybrid. 

Knowing the wolfadoodle parents’ history and origin will help you to understand the irish wolfadoodle, its temperament and personality.

Irish wolfhound, also called ‘Apollo of dogs’ is a very old dog breed. It was bred for royalty and owned only by royalty.

Court families used to give Irish wolfhounds as gifts to each other and wolfhounds used to spend their time on royal courts.

Careful breeding of Great Dane, Scottish Deerhound Tibetan Borzi, and the Pyrenean Wolfhound; the result is Irish wolfhound.

Irish wolfhounds were used to hunt and raised as warriors to protect the royal families. 

It was recognised by the American kennel club (AKC) in 1897 and till today they make a great watchdog and protects their owners.

Poodles originated in Germany almost 400 years ago in the 17th century and were first bred to hunt ducks in the forest. 

The word poodle finds its origin from the word pudelin which means ‘dog splashing in the water’.

They became very popular with wealthy people in France and later all over Europe. Poodles became the national dog of France.

In the 20th century poodles found their way in the US and were recognised by the American kennel club (AKC) in 1888.

Their breeding began as companion and service dogs.

Poodles offers 3 sizes, standard poodles which are 15 inches or more in height, miniature poodles less than 15 inches and toy poodles with max size 10 inches. 

Temperament and Personality of Wolfadoodle 

Irish wolfhound poodle mixes are highly intelligent which makes training them very easy and they learn quickly.

They are good natured, loyal and devoted to family which makes wolfadoodle a great companion dog breed.

They have a high prey drive and may chase other pets, especially small birds and cats. Early socialization and introduction to different voices and faces will make them comfortable.

Wolfadoodle are not aggressive and love and protect toddler and children but do not leave alone with dogs and teach children how to behave with wolfadoodle.

Irish wolfhound poodles mix large sizes, generally intimidating strangers but they either are very friendly or show shyness to strangers.

Wolfadoodle dog breed is not for first time dog owners as they are stubborn and are too independent. 

They need an experienced dog owner who can train and socialize them better. 

Grooming Needs of Wolfhound Cross Poodle

In this section I will discuss the grooming requirements of wolfhound cross poodle mix.

In detail I will tell you how to bathe a wolfadoodle, how to take care of his coats, ear, nails and maintain oral hygiene.


Irish wolfhounds poodle mix do not require frequent bathing. When they stink or play in dirt, bathing once every 2 months is enough for them.

Let’s discuss how to bathe wolfadoodle?

Gather all the supplies you will require while bathing wolfadoodle. Wet your dog properly with water and apply dog shampoo.

Rub the shampoo all over the skin and rinse it properly before washing it with water, if you want you can apply dog conditioner. 

Dry it with a dry towel or you can use a hair dryer in a low heat setting. Treat and praise him after the bath which will encourage him for the next bath.

Coat Care

Wolfadoodle are hypoallergenic and cause no allergies to humans who have dog allergies.

In wolfadoodle, if Irish wolfhounds’ genes are dominant then they shed throughout the year and if poodles’ genes are dominant shedding is low.

To avoid mating brushing once a week is enough for a wolfadoodle. Brushing helps remove dirt and loose hairs and fur looks shiny. 

Nail Grooming

Wolfadoodle is not very fond of nail grooming. They require nail grooming once every 2 weeks.

If they are not pinning against the floor, you can go for a professional dog groomer or you can pin him down using your body and cut his nails.

Oral Hygiene 

Taking care of your wolfadoodle’s teeth is necessary to avoid any oral problems and to maintain hygiene.

Use a dog toothbrush and toothpaste to clean his mouth everyday to avoid build up of tatar and plaque.

You can also give dry food such as kebble, which is hard and dry. This acts as a natural brush which helps to keep a dog’s teeth clean. 

Ear Cleaning

Clean wolfadoodle ear once a 15 days using ear drop and avoid using cotton buds it will damage his ears as dog’s ears are L shaped.

Dietary Requirements of Wolfadoodle 

Irish Wolfhounds poodle mix are medium to large size dog breeds, ensuring daily food portions according to its size and weight.

Ensure your lovely wolfadoodle gets high quality commercial dog food, which is balanced and nutritious.

Average daily diet costs between $2.75-$3 a day and monthly dog food costs between $80-$90.

You can give supplements such as calcium, protein, vitamins and other minor and major minerals. Before giving any supplement consult a vet for advice.

Physical and Mental Requirements of Wolfadoodle

If Irish wolfhound genes dominate in wolfadoodle they will be quite laid back and lazy and if poodle genes dominate then they will be energetic.

Wolfadoodle activity requirement is medium about 60-75 minutes of exercise daily or 9 miles of walk per week.

You can play fetch, do swimming, go on hiking, pole flirting and do agility training with an Irish wolfhound poodle mix.

They require mental stimulation since they are intelligent and if they get bored they might engage in mischief and destructive behaviour.

You can do activities such as giving Interactive games, food puzzles, obedience training to meet his mental needs and prevent getting him bored.

Health Issues in Irish Wolfhound Poodle Mix

Irish wolfhound poodle mix are predisposed to some health issues, which are mentioned below.

  • Hip/ elbow dysplasia
  • Gastric dilation volvulus (GDV)
  • Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM)
  • Cataracts
  • Glaucoma
  • Obese

The Irish wolfhound goes through some tests such as x-rays, blood count, electrocardiogram, blood chemistry, and ultrasound.

Wolfadoodle are lazy and lie on hard floors, they may develop calluses, so give especial attention to back, elbows and knees.

To ensure wolfadoodle live a healthy and disease free life take him to a good vet doctor for regular checkups, maintain a good and healthy diet with an active lifestyle.

And also make sure to check health issues and other parameters when buying a wolfhound cross poodle puppy.

Irish Wolfadoodle Lifespan

The Irish wolfhound-poodle Mix has an average life expectancy of 8-12 years which is more than the average life expectancy of Irish wolfhounds which is 6-10 years.

Regular health checkups, balanced diet with an active lifestyle and lots of love and care you can expect to extend wolfadoodle life by a few years. 

Cost of Wolfadoodle Puppies 

Irish wolfadoodle puppies are costly and cost between $1500-$4000 which is quite expensive and it might cost more if buyed from a reputable dog breeder.

You can find Wolfadoodle puppies near your location with a local wolfhound poodle mix breeder or you can check online and also make sure to check dog shelters and dog rescue centres.

Check why the wolfadoodle ended up in the rescue centre such as abuse or neglect by the previous owner, temperament, behaviour or health condition. 

Cost of maintenance of Irish wolfhound poodle mix is low when compared to other large breeds and even less than small breeds.

But food and veterinary costs for wolfadoodle is high.


Q1. Is there any Merle Wolfadoodle?

Ans. Yes, Wolfadoodle comes in Merle colors and also solid black wolfadoodle is also an option.

Q2. Cost of wolfadoodle puppies?

Ans. Wolfadoodle puppies are costly and cost you anywhere between 1500-$4000.

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