Why Westies Are Worst? 12 Reasons To Think

Why westies are worst? This question comes to mind, when we see the fact that westies popularity is decreasing.

Are any westie behaviour problems that are making dog parents to look for another dog breed?

In this post I will list and explain some reasons why west highland white terriers are the worst and they are not liked by dog parents.

We will see reasons such as health issues, grooming requirements, shedding, excessive Barking, behaviour issues in westies and much more.

Before starting the topic and getting into detail, I am a dog breeder and have been doing research in dog fields for more than a decade. 

And in this post I will explore and give insight on why highland terriers are the worst. 

Now let’s deep dive into the topic. 

Health Issues in Westies

West highland white terriers are predisposed to some health problems which are mentioned below.

  • Skin allergies
  • Luxating patellas
  • White dog syndrome
  • Eye problems such as cataracts 

Regular health checkups, a balanced and nutritious diet with a healthy lifestyle you can prevent and manage westies health. 

Excessive Barking

Westies are very vocal and bark unnecessarily when left alone or they get bored. They also bark if they see any strangers or hear any unknown voice.

This barking makes him a great watchdog but in general it becomes uncomfortable if they bark continuously and regularly.

Early socialization and training will help in controlling their barking and you can take help of anti dog barking devices.

Grooming Requirements of Highland Terriers

The coats of highland terriers get frequently dirty and become pale yellow. They require frequent bathing twice a month or even thrice to keep him clean. 

The face and legs need cleaning more often as they get dirtier more easily because of the signature white coat. 

Since westies have double coats and large topcoat hairs, they need 3-4 times a week brushing to avoid matting and remove loose and free hairs.

Nails grow quickly and need trimming every once in 15 days and they are not fond of nail grooming and you might need to pin him down to cut his nails.

Moisture gets trapped easily around the ears and gives growth to bacteria, so make sure to keep his ears dry and regularly clean his ears with ear drops.

Shedding in West Highland White Terrier

West highland white terrier have a double coat; the undercoat is dense and has short to medium size hair and the topcoat is long.

Top coats seem silky and fluffy but it is not the case they are quite rough and very hard to maintain and need regular grooming.

They shed throughout the year and do not have shedding season or ‘blow their coat’ but shedding increases when shedding season appears.

To control shedding in the westies, you can invest in top notch quality shedding tools such as furminator, smart vacuum and also incorporating more maths helps.

Westies not Hypoallergenic

Westies are not hypoallergenic and do cause allergies to people who are allergic to dogs and as they shed throughout the year this makes it even worse.

Physical and Mental requirements are High

Westies are highly energetic despite being small and require 60-90 minutes of physical exercise daily.

Walking, jogging, hiking, playing fetch, pole flirting, swimming or agility training all these activities you can do with westies to wear them out.

They also need mental stimulation otherwise they will engage in destructive behaviour such chewing clothes or furniture, digging holes etc.

Interactive games, obedience training, food puzzles or solving problems will help to keep them busy mentally.

Separation anxiety

Highland westies are prone to separation anxiety if left alone for too long as they crave human companionship.

Signs of separation anxiety are excessive barking, digging holes in gardens or showing destructive behaviours.

Westies are Stubborn

Westies are highly intelligent which makes training them easy but sometimes they are too stubborn and will not listen to you.

West highland white terrier have strong terrier Instinct and have their mind of their own and are too independent which makes them stubborn and aggressive.

Early socialization and early training using methods such as positive reinforcement, developing some command and praise and reward methods will help to control them. 

Highland Terriers Like to Dig

Westies like to dig holes in yards or gardens if left unsupervised they may destroy the aesthetics of your lawn. 

The common factors behind digging behaviour in westies are boredom, seeking attention, mating needs, feeling lonely etc. 

Westies are Not Good With Pets and Children

Westies have a high prey drive and chase small animals such as rats and birds and also are not comfortable with cats.

Early socialization and introducing him to different peoples, voices and faces will help them to get comfortable with other pets.

They generally do not harm children but do not leave children alone with westies and teach children not to tease them, westies might nip children. 

Require Large Space 

Westies need large space despite being small in size. Having high energy levels requires large and open space to live and play.

West highland white terrier are not good for owners having small houses and leading a sedentary lifestyles.

Westies are quite active and they need lots of exercise and they like to play which requires a large house or house with a garden or yard.

Westies are Expensive to Maintain

West highland white terrier puppies cost between $1500-$5000, which is quite expensive.

Puppies cost aside, considering westies food, vet, grooming and training cost between $40-$60 monthly.

So are westies really the worst?

Highland terriers have some demerits such as they are aggressive,  expensive and are costly to maintain, dig holes.

They also have health issues, bark excessively, need frequent grooming and physical and mental requirements are high.

But with good care, early socialization and lots of training will help to have a good well behaved westies. 


Q1. Is a Westie aggressive?

Ans. Some westies can be aggressive and attack small pets or start fights with other dogs but not all westies are aggressive.

Q2. What are the behaviour problems with Westies?

Ans. Biting because of snapping and hyper-excitability and digging are some behavioural problems with westies.

Q3. What are the behaviour problems with Westies?

Ans. Licking in a dog is a way to groom, form bonds and express themselves. They lick you to express their love towards them and to get your attention.

Q4. Are Westies loyal?

Ans. Yes, West highland white terrier are a loving and loyal dog breed and adapt to many different environments and situations.

Q5. Do Westies like to be held?

Ans. West highland white terrier are very independent dogs and do not like to be held for too long, there can be some exceptions.

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