Why Does My Dog Like To Sleep Alone? Reasons And Tips

Your dog suddenly leaves your room in the middle of night or the dog suddenly wants to sleep alone and you wonder what happened to your dog. 

There are many reasons for the question: why does my dog like to sleep alone and the dog isolates himself?

I am a dog breeder and have been doing research in the field of dogs for more than a decade and in this blog I will discuss why my dog is ignoring me.

In this blog I will discuss why my dog likes to sleep alone and also the reason for why my dog likes to sleep alone in great detail. 

I will also discuss whether you need to worry or not if the dog sleeps alone and what to do if the dog is isolating himself and wants to sleep alone. 

Why Does My Dog Like to Sleep Alone Himself?

Dogs are social animals and it is very rare for a dog to distance themselves from people and their owners.

They are less interested in you and are unresponsive to your commands and do not play with you and your family.

They avoid you and your families and try to sleep-hide in less trafficked areas where there will be no disturbance.

Some common reasons for dogs wanting to be alone are mentioned below and detailed explanations on all these reasons are discussed in the lower section.

  • Anxiety
  • Depression 
  • Heart disease
  • Other Illness 
  • Pain 
  • Age

Reasons For My Dog Like To Sleep Alone? 

My dog doesn’t want to sleep with me anymore, this question comes to many dog owners and there can be many reasons for this behavior in dogs. 

Let’s discuss all the possibilities why your dog wants to sleep alone in detail.


Dogs have different temperature tolerance than humans and if the dog suddenly wants to sleep alone they may not be comfortable in that temperature.

Dogs might like cooler or warmer environments in which they are comfortable to sleep. Choose or make a good resting place for the dog to rest.

Make sure the area is properly shaded and provide your dog’s favorite toys and puzzles that your dog loves to play with.

Heart Disease

Heart disease can be another reason your dog sleeps alone, either disease can be congenital or from lifestyle, injury, infection or wear.

Heart issues include valve enlargement, less blood flow or heart failure which can even cause death.

Heart disease causes reduction in supply of oxygen thus reduction in stamina, appetite decreases, increase in fainting and there are also behavioral changes.

All these symptoms and behavior can be mislabeled as a dog isolating himself or like to be alone or want to sleep alone.

Stress and Anxiety 

One of the most common reasons for a dog to sleep alone is stress and anxiety. There can be many reasons for stress and anxiety such as poor socialization, trauma, fear etc.

Symptoms of stress and anxiety in dogs include covering his nose and face with paws, hiding, fearful, whining, excessive grooming and licking and trembling. 

Noise anxiety in dogs is another reason why my dog sits alone in another room and avoids you and your family.

Dogs will avoid noisy areas and avoid areas such as dinner tables and halls and will try to hide and sit alone in noise and disturbance free areas.

Medical Issues

Medical issues and decline in health can be another reason for your dog wanting to be alone and sleep alone.

When dogs do not feel well and are in pain or discomfort they prefer a comfortable and quiet place to sit and rest.

There are many diseases and illnesses that can cause change in behavior of dogs related to depression and anxiety and they seek isolated and quieter spaces.

Dogs are not able to play and move naturally and struggle in normal daily activities. 

If dogs suffer from any disease they will seek isolated space to rest and their appetite will decrease and hide themselves.

This behavior is known as natural fasting by doing this animals try to save their energy and heal themselves.

There are many diseases such as poisoning, neurological, autoimmune, infections, cancers, respiratory issues and digestive tract problems that can cause these behavioral changes in dogs.

Independent Behavior of Dogs

Some dog breeds are independent such as schnauzers, worsties and do not like to sleep with their owner.

Sleeping alone increases if they have a bad experience with other pets or with other human beings or if they do not feel safe.

Dog Instincts

Your dogs ancestors had territorial instincts and preferred to sleep on high grounds alone to keep knowledge and control their area.

This dog instinct is still dominant in some dogs and they prefer to sleep alone and also to take control of the area if there is competition from other pets.

Disturbances from Light and Noises 

Dogs have a sharp sense of sound and light and get disturbed easily and it might affect their sleeping quality.

Especially if your dog is a light sleeper and gets easily disturbed by noise and light they will prefer to sleep alone where they feel comfortable.

Dog Need Personal Space

Some dogs prefer personal space to rest and sleep which makes them feel safe and comfortable thus more relaxing.

Like humans, dogs also need personal space which is comfortable, having a good environment and suitable temperature with comfortable lights.


As dogs get older they seek more alone time to spend whereas puppies like to socialize and spend time with their owners or other pets.

Ageing causes problems such as hearing, cognitive dysfunction which results in confusion, bad eyesight, increased vocalization and changes in sleeping and eating habits.

Dogs are not able to hear your command or get confused where he is and avoid you and your commands and sleep alone or take rest in total isolation.

Bad Past Experiences

Another reason for dogs to sleep alone can be bad past experiences or because of animal cruelty by their previous owners or fights with other pets or dogs.

All these horrible experiences make a dog harder to believe and trust someone and they hide themselves or like to sleep alone where they feel safe.

Should You be Worried if My Dog Wants to Sleep Alone?

Generally there is no reason to be worried if your dogs seem healthy, fit and happy and not avoid you and your family all the time.

If a dog’s behavior changes suddenly and avoids you or human contact or shows any discomfort or he is in pain, keep an eye on him.

What to do if Your Dog is Isolating Himself and Wants to Sleep Alone?

If your dog is isolating himself or wants to sleep alone and avoids human contact especially you and your family then there is some issue which you need to fix.

Monitor the behavior of dogs and its habits and signs such as its movement, appetite, age, medical history, behavior changes, breed related problems.

All these things can give you some clue regarding what is the problem and why my dog doesn’t want to sleep with me anymore.

Collect all the information regarding dogs’ changed habits and behavior and then take help from the veterinarian and notify him about everything.

If stress and anxiety is the cause for changed behavior, the vet will give antidepressant and anti-depression medication for your dog.

My Dog Leaves My Bed In the Middle of the Night

Your dog leaves your bed in the middle of the night. There can be twin reasons that either your dog is not comfortable in the room temperature because it is too cold or too hot for your dog.

Another reason is the dog is restless or uncomfortable because of fear or anxiety and leaves your bed in the middle of night and may hide or isolate himself. 

If the situation is getting worse take the help of a good vet, he will examine the dog physically and do some tests like X Ray, ultrasound, blood test, urine and fecal test.

If he sees any issues with heart he may do a test such as an electrocardiogram or any other test if he sees necessary. 

Making a Good Dog Sleeping Area

To make a seperate and comfortable sleeping area for your dog, you can do the following things which I mentioned below.

  • Select a comfortable bed considering your dog size, breed, medical history and any special needs.
  • There are many types of foam available such as orthopedic, paded or memory beds which suits your dog needs. 
  • Choose a good location to place his bed which is noise and disturbance free and gives him a sense of security. 
  • Maintain cleanliness around the dog’s resting place.
  • Keep the room temperature in which your dog feels comfortable.
  • Place the familiar items of your dog near his bed such as his toys, food puzzles etc. 
  • Consider accessibility such as mobility issues, height of bed when choosing a resting place.
  • Consider special needs according to your dog breed, age, health and gender keeping in mind.


Dog sleeping alone is normal behavior but if it behaves strangely and acts differently then you need to be worried.

Prevention is better than cure. That’s why it is important to find the reason why your dog is acting strange and wants to sleep alone.

Take all the necessary steps under the supervision of a good vet to ensure your dog is fine and lives a healthy and happy life. 

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