How Long Can A Dog Bark Legally? A Complete Guide

How long can a dog bark legally in the US, this question comes to mind when you feel irritated and not able to bear anymore neighbors dog barking.

In this post I will discuss how long can a dog bark, what are the barking laws in every state and county.

I will also discuss what you can do to stop neighbors dog barking and what legal actions you can take to stop dog barking.

YouDog Barking Laws: State and Local

There is no uniform law on dog barking in the US and every state has its own laws on dog barking.

Some states do not have any laws therefore every county has its own laws and regulations regarding excessive barking in dogs.

Let’s discuss some states law in detail.

How Long Can a Dog Bark Legally in Texas?

Texas does not have any dog barking laws. Dog barking laws vary city to city and if you want to know what the law is contact local authorities.

Let’s take the example of Huston city where law states that if a dog interferes with the basic right of the Huston city people other than the owner which also includes howling and continuously barking can be declared a nuisance.

How Long Can a Dog Bark Legally in California

California State law states that it is illegal for a dog to bark for more than 10 minutes continuously or in a period of 3 hours not bark more than 30 minutes.

How Long Can a Dog Bark Legally in Ohio?

Ohio law does not mention any specific time period after which it is illegal to bark for a dog. 

But Ohio law clearly states that dogs can not annoy or cause nuisance by continuously howling or barking.

You can dial 3-1-1 or 330-375-2311 from your phone to complain. The animal control warden will receive your call and let you know the complete procedure.

It is compulsory to give time and date of barking, your testimony and other two names and addresses of corroborating witnesses which don’t live in your house.

How Long Can a Dog Bark Legally in Massachusetts?

According to Massachusetts law, you have the right to complaint to the city council for excessive dog barking.

If your neighbor’s dog barks all day which is causing a nuisance, you can go and file a complaint to the city council.

How Long Can a Dog Bark Legally in Oregon?

Oregan state laws describe excessive barking of dogs which disturbs the public as a public nuisance.

The county will make sure to investigate the excessive barking in dogs.

How Long Can a Dog Bark Legally in New York?

According to New York (NYC) state law it is illegal for a dog to bark for more than 10 minutes between 7 am to 10 pm.

From 10 pm to 7 am, it is illegal for a dog to bark for more than 5 minutes. The time limit includes both continuous and combining time intervals.

How Long Can a Dog Bark Legally in Minnesota?

There is no Minnesota state law on dog braking and every city has its own dog barking laws and you have to check local codes before filing a dog barking complaint.

Saint Paul law does not mention any maximum time limit on dog barking but says that it is illegal and unlawful to own a dog who disturbs a person through barking, howling, crying or through whining.

St. Cloud law describes that no person can own or keep a dog who whines, cries, howls or barks continuously for more than 6 minutes.

Minneapolis law does not mention any specific time period after which you can file a complaint of excessive dog barking.

But law mentions that a resident can file a complaint excluding city employees if their peace is disturbed by excessive barking.

The complaint has to give date, time and number of times of barking and also need to provide his own address and address of barking dog.

The laws of Forest Lake state that it is illegal to bark for more than 10 minutes continuously or 30 minutes intermittently.

The court can fine up to $200 and for repeat violation the court can fine upto $2000.

How Long Can a Dog Bark Legally in Aurora, Colorado 

Colorado law states not allow dog barking for more than 15 minutes from 7 am to 10 pm and between 10 pm to 1 am only 10 minutes.

How Long Can a Dog Bark Legally in Pennsylvania?

According to Pennsylvania dog barking law it is unlawful and illegal to keep or harbour a dog who barks repeatedly for 1 hour period or barks continuously for 10 minutes or more.

The dog barking law also mentions that it is illegal for a dog to create nuisance on public premises or public rights of way or private premises.

If the dog owner gets convicted they can be fined not less than $25 and upto $1000 plus additional cost.

In case of non-payment of a fine, a convicted dog owner can be imprisoned for a term not more than 90 days.

How Long Can a Dog Bark Legally in Michigan?

There is no law on excessive barking on dogs in Michigan State.

Every city has different laws on dog barking and you have to check the county rules before filing a complaint about dog barking.

How Long Can a Dog Bark Legally in Georgia?

Georgia State has no dog barking law, which means every city and county has its own rules for excessive dog barking and you have to check it before filing a dog barking complaint.

The Atlanta law states that continuing barking or howling of a dog for more than 10 minutes is illegal and will be considered a public nuisance.

Athens city law states that the owner of a dog cannot allow his dog to disturb the neighbors through continuous barking, howling which is loud and persistent.

How Long Can a Dog Bark Legally in Kentucky?

Kentucky law states dog barking for more than 15 minutes continuously as public nuisance.

Court can fine the dog owner $10-$100 and also can order to impound the dog if it seems necessary.

How Long Can a Dog bLBark Legally in Connecticut, CT?

Connecticut has a state dog barking law but it did not mention a time limit after which you can file a dog complaint.

But it states that no one should harbour a dog which creates nuisance through repeatedly barking, howling.

Dog owners if convicted in court can be fined up to $ 60 for the first time and $1000 on subsequent offence and they can also be imprisoned for a term not more than 30 days.

The court may dispose or restrain a dog if they seem necessary.

Dog Barking Complaint

In your neighborhood, if there is a dog who barks continuously and causes public nuisance you can opt for the steps mentioned below.

Discuss Issue with the Dog’s Owner

Discuss the issue of dog barking with it owners and make them aware of problems it is causing to you.

Discuss the issue politely and try to find the solution calmly and amicably with your neighbor.

Make Sure to Keep a Record

If talking with dog owners does not help and the dog continue to bark make sure to keep a record of dog barking incidents, its duration, time and date.

Contact Local Animal Control

If the problem of excessive dog barking persist in your neighborhood you can take help of local animal control anf they will issue the warning to the dog owner.

If  animal control authority seem necessary they can also take further actions.

Consider Legal Options

If the continuous dog barking persists you can file a dog barking complaint with local authorities

(check the local or county laws on dog barking).

Local will authorities will ask the address, time and date of excessive dog barking in your neighborhood and they might also ask for the bideo proof of dog barking.

They will guide you through and will inform the rules and procedures to follow.


Q1. Can you call animal control on a barking dog?

Ans. Yes, you can call animal control on a dog barking if the dog barks continuously or causing public nuisance.

Q2. Can excessive dog barking be a noise complaint?

Ans. Yes, excessive dog bark comes under noise complaint and especially in US dog barking is illegal if they bark continuously for 10-20 minutes.

Q3. Can animal control take away your dog for barking?

Ans. Yes, animal control can take away your dog only after you are fined for 2-3 times and it will be decided by court and will depend on severity of barking. 

Q4. My dog barks all day while i am at work

Ans. You can take the help of a professional dog trainer or you can leave him in doggy day care while you are away from home.

Q5. Neighbors dog barks all night

Ans. Discuss the issue with your neighbor and if problem persist you can call animal control or you can file a complaint.

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