Cowboy Corgi: A Comprehensive Guide

Cowboy corgi also famously known as blue heeler corgi mix is a fascinating dog breed. This dog is famous for its loyalty and for work ethics.

I am a dog breeder and have been doing research in the dog field for more than a decade and in this blog i am going to discuss extensively on corgi heeler mix.

I will give answers to questions such as what is a blue heeler corgi mix  and its origin and history.

The physical characteristics of cattle dog corgi mix, its facial features, coat colors and patterns, shedding, size, weight and temperament will also be discussed.

In this post you will know the health issues in corgi mix and its dietary, physical and mental requirements.

Without wasting time let’s get started. 

What is a Blue Heeler Corgi Mix (Cowboy Corgi)?

Blue heeler corgi mix is a hybrid dog breed and a result of crossing Australian cattle dog breed (also known as blue heeler) and Welsh corgi dog breed.

The other names of blue heeler corgi mix are cowboy corgi, corgi heeler mix, queensland heeler corgi mix and corgi cattle dog.

Cowboy corgi breed was developed to get the work ethics, muscular build and loyalty of Australian cattle dogs and the loving, affectionate and caring personality of Welsh corgi.

Characteristics of Cowboy Corgi

In this section I will discuss the physical attributes of cowboy corgi about corgi heeler appearance, it’s coat and color and pattern it offers.

I will also discuss the size and weight of queensland heeler corgi mix and their temperament and personality.

They are fascinating dog breeds and let’s explore the beautiful world of our furry friends. 

Appearance of Corgi Heeler Mix

Cowboy corgi have unique physical attributes which they are loved for, they have a compact and muscular body with sturdy body structure. 

Corgi crossbreed have short legs and large heads having a round skull and a long kind of stretched body.

They offer a variety of iris colors in eyes such as black, brown, hazel, green and more. They have short erect ears with medium sized snouts.

Cowboy Corgi: Coat and Color

Cowboy corgi have double coats, undercoat is dense with short to medium size hair and outercoat is soft and silky having medium length hair. 

Cowboy corgis offer a variety of coat colors such as red, blue merle, sable, black, black and tan and many more.

Blue heeler corgi mix offer patterns such as bi color, tri color, saddleback. They have white patches on their legs, face, chest and on their back. 

Size and Weight of Corgi Cattle Dog

Corgi heeler mix is a small to medium sized dog breed depending on which parent’s genes are dominant.

The average shoulder height of a male cowboy corgi is between 12-15 inches and of female blue heeler corgi mix is 10-13 inches.

The average weight of male cowboy corgi is 30-35 pounds and of female corgi cattle heeler mix is 25-30 pounds.

Personality and Temperament of Cowboy Corgi

Cowboy corgis are very loyal to the owner and his families and they do protect them if they sense any danger and make great watch dogs.

They are highly energetic, that’s why they need plenty of exercise and mental stimulation to avoid any undesirable behaviour.

Training blue heeler cross is easy as they are highly intelligent and learn quickly and are always ready to please you.

Corgi crosses are very friendly in nature and they are quite comfortable with humans and get along with other pets.

Early socialization helps in developing confidence in them and with consistency in training you get a perfect and reliable furry friend. 

Origins of Cowboy Corgi

Origins of cowboy corgi can be traced back to the 20th century US. Australian cattle dogs and Pembroke Welsh corgi were crossed to develop cowboy corgi.

The main reasons for crossbreeding was to get a dog breed with herding skills and work ethics of cattle dog and sturdy, compact body structure with temperament of corgi.

Heeler corgi mix is not recognised by the American kennel club (AKC) because they are labelled as designer dogs.

Cowboy corgis are a highly energetic, loyal, intelligent and friendly dog breed, which makes them a good dog pet. 

Cost of Blue Heeler Corgi Mix Price and Where to Find Puppies of Cowboy Corgi

The price of cowboy corgi depends on many factors such as their age, location, medical status, breeder, lineage and many other criteria.

Corgi blue heeler mix puppies cost between $500-$1000 and can coat even more if you buy from a highly reputable dog breeder.

You can find cowboy corgi puppies in animal shelters, on online platforms or nearby local corgi breeders.

Always check the medical history of puppies when buying and also check the reputation and credibility of dog breeders if you are buying from them.

If you are adopting a cowboy corgi from the adoption centre then make sure to ask why they ended there. 

Physical and Mental Stimulation Needs of Cowboy Corgi

Blue heeler corgi mixes are highly energetic and need physical and mental stimulation to thrive and it also helps create bond between dog and its owner.

Unspent energy in corgi mix gets bundled up and if not directed towards physical activity, they get anxious and show uneasiness and engage in destructive behaviours.

Regular exercise will help cowboy corgi to stay fit and healthy. Daily 60-90 minutes of vigorous physical activity is good for them.

You can take him on a walk, running, play fetch or dog flirting pole to keep his energy check.

You can also go hiking, do swimming, play interactive games or do agility training to prevent boredom in cowboy corgis.

Trainability of Cowboy Corgi

Heeler mixes are highly intelligent which makes training them quite easy. You can use positive reinforcement methods to train them.

Start their training very early and be patient with your dog as good habits and behaviours take time to build. 

You can also use the command method, in which you train them for certain words such as go, eat, sit, potty, etc.

Treat and praise is another method which you can use to train cowboy corgi; in this you praise and treat them for desirable behaviour and ignore undesirable behaviours.

Early socialisation helps them in getting comfortable with other pets and with unfamiliar peoples and voices.

Maintaining consistency in training and avoiding any confusion and do not allow any undesirable behaviour for a well behaved cowboy corgi pet.

You can also go for clicker training or take professional help and enrol him in obedience training classes. 

Grooming Needs of Cowboy Corgi

Cowboy corgi coats need brushing every once a week to remove loose and free hair and to avoid matting.

Bathing corgi heeler mix once every 2 months is enough to maintain hygiene and keep him odour free.

Clean corgi Australian cattle mix ears every 15 days. You can use ear drops to clean their ears and do not use cotton buds because dogs ears are L shaped.

To keep a cowboy corgis mouth and teeth in a healthy state, brush 2-3 times a week to clean plaque and tatar developed on teeths. 

Hard food also acts as a natural brush example of such food is dry kibble.

Blue heeler corgi mix nails need twice a month grooming. Cutting nails are quite hard as they do not stay still.

Dietary Requirements of Corgi Cross

Corgi hybrid food should be balanced and nutritious which is healthy and good for them. They deserve top quality food.

You must opt for high quality dog food which is especially designed for small to medium sized dog breeds and meets all criteria.

Their diet must revolve around protein and a good amount of carbohydrates and healthy fats, vitamins and minerals.

Their food portion and schedule must be made after considering their age, size, weight, health status and activity level of the corgi cattle dog.

Health Issues in Cowboy Corgi 

Cowboy corgi are predisposed to medical conditions mentioned below 

  • Hip/elbow dysplasia
  • Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA)
  • Degenerative myelopathy (DM)
  • Deafness
  • Obesity
  • Skin allergies 

Regular health checkups and insurance policy for dogs with an active lifestyle and good diet can avoid any medical issues in them. 

Are Cowboy Corgi are Good with Other Pets

Corgi mix parents have a high prey drive and cowboy corgi might inherit this trait and chase small pets such as birds and cats.

To avoid this ugly situation, start socialising with them early and introduce to them different types of pets, people’s voice and their face so they get familiarise with them.

Early socialization will help cowboy corgi to earn positive experience from that relationship and help build confidence in them.

When buying another pet while having a cowboy corgi which is highly energetic and medium sized, try a pet that will get along with this dog breed and his energy levels.

At last it comes to luck and only you can supervise, provide training and monitor them. 

Are Cowboy Corgi Good with Families? 

Cowboy corgi are very affectionate towards families and children. They love spending time with them.

They are intelligent and are always eager to please their owners and are a very well behaved dog breed.

They are very loving and easy to train dog breeds and all these qualities makes cowboy corgi a perfect dog breed for a family. 

Are Blue Heeler Corgi Mix Suitable for Apartments?

Corgi blue heeler mixes are highly active and are very energetic and they require a large space to live and play.

A house with ample space such as a yard or garden will be best for a corgi mix to live and play.

They can adapt to different environments and can live in apartments with limited house space making sure their physical and mental stimulation requirements are met.

They are highly versatile and can live in different climatic conditions but they are not able to adopt extreme heat or cold climates. 

Is a Cowboy Corgi Right for You

Cowboy corgi are a very fascinating dog breed and are highly intelligent, energetic, and do good with kids and family members.

Grooming requirements are not too high, and they can live in different sized apartments and houses and their puppies are not too expensive.

They have a good personality, make good watch dogs and protect their owners and give a variety of color options to choose.

But their physical and mental stimulation requirements are high and are predisposed to some medical issues. 

I mentioned all the qualities and demerits of cowboy corgi in this post and it is upto you to decide whether cowboy corgi suits you or not. 


Q1. Do cowboy corgis shed a lot?

Ans. Yes, shedding in cowboy corgis is high and they have shedding season in which they shed the most.

Q2. What is the difference between a cowboy corgi and an American corgi?

Ans. Cowboy corgis can reach 13-20 inches whereas American corgis can reach only 10-13 inches and there is also a difference in weight.

Q3. Are cowboy corgis loud?

Ans. Yes, they bark loudly because they are highly energetic, intelligent and bossy.

Q4. Can corgis bite hard?

Ans. Corgis are medium-sized dog breeds but they can bite the same as large sized dog breeds. Training and socialization will help control biting in corgis. 

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