Can Dogs Be Gay? Homosexual Behavior In Dogs Explained

Can dogs be gay? Can cats and other animals out in wild be gays? This question strikes us when we see them cuddling.

Does LGBTQ+ concept of human beings also apply and happen in nature and especially in dogs.

How can I say my dog is gay? What behaviour and actions in dogs and cats by which you can label dogs and cats homosexual.

I am a professional dog breeder and have been doing research in the dog field for more than a decade.

In this blog i will discuss homosexuality in nature and especially in dogs and also the behaviour in dogs which you think is homosexual in dogs.

Let’s get started. 

Same Sexual Behavior In Animals?

The word gay is invented by human beings and means having a sexual attraction towards the same sex.

In humans, sex and attraction between peoples is very fluid and the sexual urges in animals should not be seen with human sexual lens.

Yes there have been instances of same sex mating which can be labelled as gay or lesbian, but the question is how common same sex mating in dogs is.

Same sex attraction and mating has been reported in bears, gorillas, flamingos, owls, salmon, penguins, cats and many more wild animals.

The scientific reasons for same sex and same gender attraction is not known and there is also not enough evidence or data to say how common same sex in animals is.

One theory behind the same sex is that animals do not want to divert their group resources and the same sex help in raising young relatives and help in nurturing their young ones.

The other theory for homosexuality in animals is that same sex mating helps strengthen family bonds and also helps strengthen bonds within the group. 

Are Dogs Gay?

There are instances where same gender dogs are sexually attracted so yes dogs can be gay. 

But there is no data and scientific evidence available to verify how common homosexuality in dogs. 

According to me there are instances and reporting have been done on dogs, where they are sexually attracted towards the same gender. 

In our homes, the environment is completely different from nature and there are not enough simulators that promote same gender sex in dogs.

In homes when we see same sex dogs playing or humping on each other, snuggling together we assume dogs are lesbian and interpret the human concept of LGBTQ+.

But it is a bond between them rather than same sex sexual appeal in dogs.

What Makes You Doubt Your Dog Is Gay?

Which activity and behaviour of dogs makes you doubt that my dog is gay or attracted towards the same gender.

Let’s discuss these behaviours in detail and decode whether they are gay or mean something entirely different.

Mounting Behaviour of Dogs

Mountain behaviour in dogs in which either male dogs mount on females or there is same sex mounting in dogs must not be seen through human sexual lens. 

Mounting behaviour in dogs is seen as showing dominance over other dogs or a simple play to release stress rather than gay dog sex.

They also mount against furniture and also on humans as well so we cannot predict their sexual preferences from dog mounting on other dogs.

Similar Sex Snuggling In Dog’s

In wild dogs packs have a hierarchy and according to that mating is allowed between male and female dogs.

But at home, there is no hierarchy in dogs and same sex snuggling is a behaviour and a way to create a bond between them.

Dogs also snuggle when they feel cold or like spending time together or playing and it is misunderstood that dogs have attraction to the same sex. 

What to Do If a Dog Humps Too Much?

Dog humping on other dogs or against furniture such as beds or couches or even with humans are very common.

There can be many reasons for humping in dogs such as stress, boredom, highly energetic and yes also for sex.

One way of managing humping in dogs is training and also early socialisation of dogs is also necessary.

If he humps too aggressively you can take help of a professional trainer and a good dog behaviourist. 


Q1. Can a male dog penetrate another male?

Ans. Yes, dogs can be homosexual and while playing and mounting each other there can be anal penetration by male dogs to another male dog. 

Q2. Can male dogs release sperm?

Ans. Yes, dogs release sperm in 3 fractions; first slightly cloudy pre ejueculation fraction, then sperm rich fraction (SRF) and later prostatic fluid fraction.

Q3. Why do male dogs lick other male dogs’ private parts?

Ans. Dogs lick other male private parts to get acquainted by smelling, grooming and knowing the scent of each other. 

Q4. Why do female dogs cry when mating?

Ans. Crying of female dogs during mating is normal but it can also be a sign of stress, pain or she is not interested in mating.

Q5. Are male dogs attracted to female owners?

Ans. All dogs and every dog owner are different but dogs are generally more attracted to specific behaviours of adult womens. 

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