Basset Hound Pitbull Mix: A Rare Hybrid

Basset hound pitbull mix is a unique and interesting dog breed that is becoming popular in the North American continent.

I will discuss the basset pit mix dog breed in great detail in this blog and which will clear your all queries regarding pitbull basset hound mix.

I am a dog breeder and have been doing research in the field of dogs for more than a decade and writing blogs and articles on dogs for the last 10 years.

In this blog I will discuss what a basset hound mix is, its unique coat and colors, temperament and personality.

I will also discuss pitbull basset hound physical appearance, its high intelligence, high prey drive and health issues in them and much more.

What is Basset Hound Pitbull Mix?

Basset hound pitbull mix is a mixed breed dog crossed by pitbull and basset hound. This breed became very popular and is very charming. 

Basset hound pitbull mixes are also known as  Basset bull and they are also known by other names such as pit basset, basset hound pitbull mix, basset pit and pitbull hound mix. 

Basset Pit Mix Have Unique Colors and Coats

Pitbull mixed with hound dogs come in a variety of colors such as blue, black, brown, red, gray, white, brindle and more.

But basset pit mixes are generally seen in bi-color and the classic tri-color black, white and tan. Their coats are soft and smooth and are very silky to touch. 

If pitbull traits are dominant, hairs are short and easy to groom and if basset hound traits are dominant, hair will be dense and will protect from all weather.

Pitbull Mix With Basset Hound: Physical Appearance

Physical Characteristics of pitbull mix with basset hound mix depends on which parent’s traits are dominant.

If pitbull traits are dominant, the basset pit mix will look muscular and beefy and will have high energy and physical and mental needs will be high.

If basset hound traits are dominant, the pitbull mix will be little less energetic and easy to maintain but its grooming needs will increase.

Pit bull and basset hound mix eyes are large and have a round shape which is far apart and have almond shaped black pupils.

They have thick paws and long tails which are thick and floppy ears and big snouts with a medium sized head. 

Basset Hound Pitbull Mix Puppies Are Quite Expensive

Buy Basset hound pitbull mix puppies only from a reputable dog breeder which may charge upto $2000 per puppy.

There is a possibility that you can find a pit basset hound mix in a rescue centre and get it at a very low price.

There is additional cost of insurance upto $500 and cost of food between $150-$700 and cost of neutering and spaying of approx $300-$700.

Expect High Intelligence from Basset Hound Pitbull Mix

Pitbull mixed with hound dogs are highly intelligent which makes training and socialising them easy.

They are eager to please you and learn new tricks and commands from you which also helps in making a great bond between both of you.

Which parent traits are dominant in pitbull basset hound mix also affects its behaviour and learning capacity. 

Pitbull Hound Mix Has a High Prey Drive

Pitbulls were bred to hunt and catch rats and birds a few centuries ago, this hunting tendencies passed down and because of this they have high prey drive.

Basset hounds were bred to hunt dogs and also have high prey drive as well and they have a very keen and strong smelling sense.

Pitbull basset mix will have high prey drive but whose behaviour and skills of hunting and prey drive skill will it acquire depends on its parents trait.

Basset hound pitbull cross is good with other pets but early socialisation and training is very important.

Pit Bull And Basset Hound Mix Are Prone to Health Issues

All dogs suffer or there are tendencies that they will get some health issues as they age but with the crossbreeds chance of medical issues increases.

Basset hound pitbull mix is a crossbreed and both pitbull and basset hound are predisposed to many health issues which increases the chance of diseases in pitbull hound mix.

Basset hound pitbull mixes are predisposed to some medical conditions which are mentioned below. 

  • Hip/elbow Dysplasia
  • Obesity
  • Osteochondrodysplasia
  • Eye problems
  • Digestive problems
  • Bleeding Disorders
  • Intervertebral disc disease
  • Glaucoma
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Patellar luxation
  • Cardiac Disease
  • Skin Allergies
  • Ear infections

Regular health checkups with your vet and with a good diet and healthy lifestyle you can prevent many health issues in your lovely pooch. 

Pit Basset Hound Mix: Size and Weight

Pit basset hound mix is a medium sized dog breed since pitbull and basset hound both are medium sized dog breeds.

Pitbull average size is 17-19 inches and weight around 30-85 pounds whereas basset hound brows upto 14 inches and weight between 50-65 pounds.

Average size of male pit basset hound mix is 15-19 inches and weigh around 40-65 pounds whereas females grow between 13-17 inches and weigh around 35-60 pounds. 

Pitbull Basset Hound Mix: Temperament and Personality 

Temperament and personality of pitbull basset hound mix depends on which parent’s genes are dominant.

Pitbull are working dog breeds and are used in different areas such as law enforcement, military, search and rescue, therapy etc.

Their emotional intelligence is high and they make bonds with their owners and family very easily.

Basset hounds are an independent dog breed and are very lazy and do not please their owners and even do not enjoy learning and doing new things.

They like to lay down most of the time and love taking naps. They are smart but too stubborn to listen to your commands.

If you want a dog who behaves well with other pets and loves children and does not harm them then the basset hound pitbull mix is a bad choice for you. 

In the end it all depends on how well you train your pooch and also early socialisation is another factor behind its temperament.

Pitbull Basset Hound Mix: Physical and Mental Stimulation

Pitbull basset hounds mix physical and mental requirements depending on which parent’s genes are dominant.

Pitbull are highly energetic and require 1-2 hours of vigorous physical activity daily whereas basset hounds are not very energetic and even a normal daily walk is enough for them.

Basset hounds are most likely to be satisfied with 60-90 minutes of daily workout which will include walking, running, obedience training, agility training and more.

Mental stimulation requirements of basset hound pitbull mix are not that high but they get bored easily and might engage in destructive behaviour.

Puzzle, toys, your clothes to play and problem solving tasks all you can give to the pit hound mix to engage him mentally. 

Life Expectancy of Basset Hound Pitbull Mix?

Average life expectancy of a basset hound is between 10-12 years and that of a pit bull has 12-16 years of life expectancy.

Average life expectancy of a pitbull basset hound mix is between 11-13 years but with a good care and healthy lifestyle it can live longer. 

Do Pitbull Basset Hound Mixes Shed a Lot

Basset hound shedding is high and requires lots of grooming and care whereas pit bulls have short but dense hair and shedding in them is low to moderate.

Shedding in pitbull basset hound mix will depend on whose genes are dominant, if pitbull bull genes are dominant then shedding will be low otherwise high.


Pit bull basset hound mix is a hybrid and has some pros and cons but it’s high intelligence and lovely physical characteristics makes it a lovely pooch.

This is the complete guide on the basset hound pitbull mix read it twice before deciding to buy this puppy.

If you have any doubts and queries write it in the comment box I will clear your all doubt regarding pit bull and basset hound mix.

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